Five minor sciences 五小明

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The five minor sciences (Tib. rigné chung nga; Wyl. rig gnas chung lnga) are part of the ten sciences or traditional fields of knowledge in which a learned person, or pandita, is supposed to be well versed. 身為智者(班智達)所應擅長的傳統十明之其中五種。

  1. 修辭學 synonyms (Skt. abhidhāna; Wyl. mngon brjod)
  2. 曆算學 mathematics and astrology (jyotiṣa; skar rtsis)
  3. 戲劇學 performance, drama (nāṭaka; zlos gar)
  4. 韻律學 poetry (kāvya; snyan ngag)
  5. 辭藻學 composition (chanda; sdeb sbyor)