Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche 南開諾布仁波切

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法王南開諾布仁波切(Chögyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche)(1938-2018),當今首要的大圓滿上師之一。1938年12月8日,出生於藏東康巴地區的德格(Derge)。兩歲時,白玉噶瑪揚希仁波切(Palyul Karma Yangsi)與雪謙冉江仁波切(Shechen Rabjam)都認證他為大圓滿上師阿宗竹巴(Adzom Drukpa;又譯:昂藏竹巴)的轉世。在南開諾布仁波切三歲時,第十六世大寶法王(Gyalwang Karmapa)認證其為另一位著名上師─竹.夏度侖(夏仲)仁波切(Drug Shabdrung Rinpoche)的意化身。竹.夏度侖(夏仲)仁波切又稱為拿旺南嘉(Ngawang Namgyal),亦即不丹第一位護法王、貝瑪噶波(Pema Karpo)的轉世。

In his early years Chögyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche studied at the Derge Gönchen Monastery. At the age of nine he entered a Sakya College where he studied Buddhist philosophy for many years with Öntö Khyenrab Chökyi Özer. He also received numerous tantric and Dzogchen transmissions and teachings from many masters, including his paternal uncle Toden Ugyen Tendzin (who achieved the rainbow body), maternal uncle Khyentse Rinpoche Chökyi Wangchuk, Drubwang Rinpoche Kunga Palden, Negyab Rinpoche, Adzom Gyalse Gyurme Dorje, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche and Bo Gongkar Rinpoche. In 1951, he also received teachings from Ayu Khandro Dorje Paldrön (1839-1953), a woman who spent over fifty years in dark retreat and was a disciple of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo.

南開諾布仁波切早年在德格更慶寺(Gönchen Monastery)學習。九歲時,進入薩迦佛學院(Sakya College)跟隨旺丁.欽繞.確吉.沃瑟(Öntö Khyenrab Chökyi Özer)研習佛教哲學。他也從多位上師處獲得大量的密續及大圓滿口傳與教法;包括他的叔父圖滇烏金天津(Toden Ugyen Tendzin;獲證虹光身)、舅父欽哲仁波切確吉旺楚克(Khyentse Rinpoche Chökyi Wangchuk)、竹旺仁波切貢噶巴滇(Drubwang Rinpoche Kunga Palden)、聶嘉仁波切(Negyab Rinpoche)、阿宗賈瑟久美多傑(Adzom Gyalse Gyurme Dorje)、宗薩欽哲仁波切(Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche)、波貢噶仁波切(Bo Gongkar Rinpoche)等。1951年,他從阿玉康卓多傑帕登(Ayu Khandro Dorje Paldrön;1839-1953)獲得教法;阿玉康卓多傑帕登曾進行五十多年的[大圓滿]黑關修持,是蔣揚欽哲旺波(Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo)的女弟子之一。

Rinpoche was invited to China in 1953 as a representative of the Tibetan monasteries. After visiting Chengdu and Chungching, he accepted the invitation to teach Tibetan language in Menyag. During this time Rinpoche met Kangkar Rinpoche from whom he received instructions on the Six Yogas of Naropa and other teachings.

1953年,仁波切以西藏寺院代表的身份應邀到漢地。他造訪成都、重慶等地,並受邀於美楊(Menyag)教授藏語。這段時間,仁波切遇見康噶仁波切(Kangkar Rinpoche),從其領受那若六法(Six Yogas of Naropa)等教法。

Rinpoche met his root teacher Rigdzin Changchub Dorje in 1955 and stayed at his residence in Khamdogar for six months. From Changchub Dorje he received the authentic transmission of Dzogchen and realized the essence of the teaching as one state of knowledge beyond all limitations. This realization has remained a characteristic feature of his way of teaching throughout his life.

1955年,仁波切遇見了他的根本上師持明蔣秋多傑(Rigdzin Changchub Dorje),有六個月的時間待在上師於康多格(Khamdogar)的住所中,此間從其領受大圓滿的正統口傳,並且了證法教的精義即超越任何限制的智慧境界,此種了證持續成為他一生教學風格的特色。

In the late 1950s, Chögyal Namkhai Norbu made a pilgrimage to Tibet, India, and Nepal. While he was residing in Sikkim in 1959, the Chinese occupied Tibet, and as he was unable to return to his homeland to join his family, he remained in Sikkim working as an author and editor for the Government of Sikkim.


Recognized as extremely knowledgeable in all aspects of Tibetan culture at the age of only twenty-two, he was invited to Italy by the famous Professor Giuseppe Tucci to work at the ISMEO Institute in Rome for two years. In 1962 he took a post in Naples at the Istituto Universitario Orientale where he taught Tibetan language and literature until 1992.

當他以精通西藏文化各方面的知識而聞名時,僅有二十二歲。他應著名教授朱塞佩.圖齊(Guiseppe Tucci)之邀,到義大利羅馬的ISMEO學院工作兩年。1962至1992年之間,他於那不勒斯(Naples)東方研究所(Istituto Universitario Orientale)教授西藏語言及文學。

From the time of his residence in Italy, Chogyal Namkhai Norbu focused his research mainly on the ancient history of Tibet investigating thoroughly the autochthonous Bön tradition. His books, which include works on history, medicine, astrology, Bön and folk traditions, are evidence of his profound knowledge of Tibetan culture and his commitment to preserve this ancient cultural heritage. They have been highly appreciated by Tibetans as well as scholars throughout the world.

他在義大利的時候,專攻西藏古代史,並深入研究苯教(Bön tradition)。他的著作涉及歷史、醫學、占星術、苯教和民俗傳統等各方面,顯示出他對西藏文化的淵博知識,以及誓願保存古老文化遺產的態度;這些著作受到藏人以及世界各地學者高度的讚賞。

In 1971 Chogyal Namkhai Norbu began to teach yantra yoga, an ancient form of Tibetan yoga combining movement, breathing and visualization. A few years later he started to give Dzogchen teachings to a small group of Italian students with whom he founded the Dzogchen Community. At that time Dzogchen was relatively unknown in the West.

1971年,南開諾布開始教導幻輪瑜伽(yantra yoga),此種源自西藏古代的瑜伽型式,結合了動作、呼吸和觀想。幾年後,他為一小群的義大利學生創辦大圓滿社群(Dzogchen Community),並開始傳授大圓滿教法;這個教法在當時的西方,鮮少有人知道。

As interest in his teachings grew, Rinpoche dedicated himself to spreading Dzogchen and establishing gars, seats of the Dzogchen community, throughout the world. Today there are gars in Italy, the United States, South America, Australia and Russia. Apart from his spiritual activity, he founded the International Shang-Shung Institute to preserve the cultural traditions of Tibet, and ASIA, a non-profit organization operating in Tibet which is mainly dedicated to serving the educational and medical needs of the Tibetan people.

隨著來自各方的求教增多,仁波切致力於弘傳大圓滿教法,並於世界各地設立修持營,使之成為大圓滿社群的道場。如今,在義大利、美國、南美、澳大利亞、俄羅斯等地都有修持營。除了弘法事業之外,他還創立了國際象雄研究院(International Shang-Shung Institute)以保護西藏的文化傳統;而ASIA則是西藏的非營利組織,致力於滿足西藏民眾在教育和醫療等方面的需求。

Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche passed away on the 27th of September 2018 in Arcidosso, Italy.


臉書連結:南開諾布仁波切(Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche)


Visits to Rigpa Centres


See list of publications on Dzogchen Community West website

Further Reading

  • Jeremy Russell, 'Interview with Namkhai Norbu Rinpochey' in Chö Yang, No. 6, 1994, pp. 76-82
  • Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, The Crystal and the Way of Light (Ithaca: Snow Lion, 2000)

External Links

Rigpa Wiki

Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche

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