Saha world 娑婆世界、堪忍

於 2021年8月24日 (二) 15:51 由 SSTC Serena對話 | 貢獻 所做的修訂 (SSTC Serena 已移動頁面 Saha worldSaha world 娑婆世界、堪忍
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Saha world (Skt. sahāloka; Wyl. mi 'jed 'jig rten) — the trichiliocosm where the present Buddha Shakyamuni has manifested. Khenpo Ngakchung writes: "the one thousand million-fold Saha world, is called the “world of no fear” not because it is very good. Rather, it is so called for its great evil. Sentient beings here are not afraid of desire, they are not frightened by anger and they have no fear of ignorance, which is why it is called the realm of the Saha world."[1]

Alternative Translations

  • world of patient endurance


  1. Khenpo Ngawang Pelzang, A Guide to the Words of My Perfect Teacher, translated by Padmakara Translation Group (Boston & London: Shambhala, 2004), page 5.