Samsara 輪迴

Samsara (Skt. saṃsāra; Tib. འཁོར་བ་, khorwa; Wyl. ‘khor ba) is the cycle of conditioned existence, birth and death, which is characterized by suffering and in which one is continually reborn until attaining nirvana.
Luis Gomez has written:
- should note that saṃsāra is not "cyclic" existence. The term means either wandering about or moving on without interruption, like a river current.[1]
Alternative Translations
- The round (Matthew Kapstein)
- ↑ Luis O. Gómez, 'The Way of the Translators: Three Recent Translations of Sântideva's Bodhicaryâvatâra'. Buddhist Literature I (1999) p.314.
輪迴 samsara (Skt. saṃsāra; Tib. འཁོར་བ་, khorwa; Wyl.‘khor ba)
三界 the three realms (Skt. tridhātu; Tib. ཁམས་གསུམ་, kham sum;Wyl. khams gsum)
六道 six classes of beings [Three Realms of Samsara]
Six classes of beings 六道眾生 (Skt. ṣaḍgati; Wyl. rigs drug) — the major modes of existence within samsara, each caused and dominated by a particular destructive emotion: 因特定煩惱所致的輪迴流轉
1. hell beings (Wyl. dmyal ba) - anger 地獄道:瞋恨
2. hungry ghosts, or pretas (Wyl. yi dvags) -miserliness 餓鬼道:慳吝
3. animals (Wyl. dud 'gro) - stupidity 畜牲道:愚癡
4. human beings (Wyl. mi) - desire 人道:貪愛
5. demi-gods, or asuras (Wyl. lha min) - jealousy 阿修羅 (非天): 忌妒
6. gods (Wyl. lha) - pride 天道:傲慢
The first three constitute the three lower realms (惡趣、下三道) and the latter three, the three higher realms (善趣、上三道).