
於 2015年8月20日 (四) 13:46 由 SSTC Bubble對話 | 貢獻 所做的修訂 (已匯入 1 筆修訂)
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ཤམ་བུ། (Wyl. sham bu ) Pron.: sham bu

  • Skt. लम्बनम्, lambana, Pron.: lambana. From Sanskrit: hanging down or causing to hang down (said of Śiva) | a camp-follower, soldier's boy | phlegm, the phlegmatic humour | N. of a son of Jyotish-mat | hanging down, depending, falling | a •partic. mode of fighting | the moon's parallax in longitude, the interval of the lines between the earth's centre and surface | a fringe | a long necklace (depending from the neck to the navel) | N. of a Varsha in Kuśa-dvīpa [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW