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ལྟེ་བ། (Wyl. lte ba ) Pron.: tewa

  • Skt. नाभिः, nābhi, Pron.: nabhi. From Sanskrit: prob. fr. | 'to burst asunder or into a hole' | the navel | also navel-string | a navel-like cavity | in later language also | and | the nave of a wheel | also | centre, central point, point of junction or of departure, home, origin, •esp. common origin, affinity, relationship | a near relation or friend | musk: | or | musk-deer | a chief (= central point) of | a sovereign or lord paramount | a Kshatriya | N. of a grandson of Priya-vrata (son of Agnīdhra and father of Ṛishabha) | of the father of Ṛishabha (first Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī) | •cf. •Angl.Sax.: nafu: nafela | •Germ.: naba: Nabe: nabolo: Nabel | •Eng.: nave: navel [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW