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ལྟང་བ། (Wyl. ltang ba ) Pron.: tangwa

  • Skt. उत्थानम्, utthāna, Pron.: utthana. From Sanskrit: the act of standing up or rising | rising (of the moon) | resurrection | rising up to depart | leaving off |: starting on a warlike expedition | coming forth, appearing | bursting open | tumult, sedition | rise, origin | effort, exertion | manly exertion, manhood | evacuating (by stool) | an army | joy, pleasure | a book | a court-yard | a shed where sacrifices are offered | a term, limit | business of a family or realm, the care of subjects or dependants | reflection | proximate cause of disease | causing to arise or originate [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW