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རྡོའི་རྒྱལ་པོ་སྟེ་གྱུ། (Wyl. rdo'i rgyal po ste gyu ) Pron.: dö gyalpo té gyu

  • Skt. वैराजः, vairāja, Pron.: vairaja. From Sanskrit: fr. 2. | belonging to or derived from Virāj | belonging or analogous to the metre Virāj, consisting of ten, decasyllabic | relating to or containing the Sāman Vairāja | belonging to Brahmā | of Purusha | of Manu or of the Manus | of the Vedic Ṛishi Ṛishabha | N. of the 27th Kalpa or period of time | of the father of Ajita | N. of a •partic. class of deities | of a class of Pitṛis | of •partic. worlds | N. of the Virāj metre | of various Sāmans [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW