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རྒྱུན་ཆགས། (Wyl. rgyun chags ) Pron.: gyünchak

  • Skt. दण्डकम्, daṇḍaka, Pron.: dandaka. From Sanskrit: 'a staff' | a handle (of a parasol) | the beam (of a plough) | the staff of a banner | N. of a plant | a row, line | a class of metres the stanzas of which may extend from 4 x 27 to 4X 999 syllables | a kind of spasm | 171/172 | N. of •wk. relating to | N. of a son of Ikshvāku | whose country was laid waste by the curse of Bhārgava, whose daughter he had violated | his kingdom in consequence became the | xii (allusion only) | N. of a silly man | of an Asura | the inhabitants of [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW