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འཕངས་པ། (Wyl. 'phangs pa ) Pron.: pangpa

  • Skt. आविद्धः, āviddha, Pron.: aviddha. From Sanskrit: cast, thrown, sent | pierced, wounded | swung, whirled | disappointed | crooked | false, fallacious | stupid, foolish | swinging | a particular manner of fencing [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW
  • Skt. आक्षिप्तः, ākṣipta, Pron.: akshipta. From Sanskrit: cast, thrown down | thrown on the beach (by the sea) | caught, seized, overcome | as the mind | or | by beauty, curiosity, charmed, transported | hung out or exposed to view (as flags) | put into | pointed or referred to, indicated | refused, left (as the right path) | insulted, reviled, abused, challenged, called to a dispute | caused, effected, produced | on | 'absence of mind' [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW