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འདྲོབ་སྐྱོང། (Wyl. 'drob skyong ) Pron.: drob kyong

  • Skt. कश्यपः, kaśyapa, Pron.: kashyapa. From Sanskrit: fr. | + 2. | having black teeth | on | a tortoise | a sort of fish | a kind of deer | a class of divine beings associated with Prajāpati | a class of semidivine genii connected with or regulating the course of the sun | N. of a mythical Ṛishi | of an ancient sage |, (a descendant of Marīci and author of several hymns of the Ṛig-veda | he was husband of Aditi and twelve other daughters of Daksha | by Aditi he was father of the Ādityas | and of Vivasvat | and of Vishṇu in his | by his other twelve wives he was father of demons, nāgas, reptiles, birds, and all kinds of living things | from the prominent part ascribed to him in creation he is sometimes called Prajā-pati | he is one of the seven great Ṛishis and priest of Paraśu-rāma and Rāma-candra | he is supposed by some to be a personification of races inhabiting the Caucasus, the Caspian, Kaśmīr | a patronymic from Kaśyapa | the author of a Dharmaśāstra called Kaśyaho7llara-saṃhitā ; the constellation Cancer | •Pers.: kashaf | the descendants of Kaśyapa [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW