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འདྲེན་པ། (Wyl. 'dren pa ) Pron.: drenpa

དྲངས་པ།  འདྲེན་པ།  དྲང་བ།  དྲོངས།  ༼ཐ་དད་པ་༽
past pres. fut. imp. v.t.
  • Skt. नायकः, nāyaka, Pron.: nayaka. From Sanskrit: a guide, leader, chief, lord, principal | with or •scil. | a general, commander | a husband | (in •dram.) the lover or hero | the central gem of a necklace | and | a paradigm or example (in gram.) | N. of Gautama Buddha | of a Brāhman | of an author | also | a kind of musk [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW