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འཇུགས། (Wyl. 'jugs ) Pron.: juk

  • Skt. पृष्ठम्, pṛṣṭha, Pron.: prishtha. From Sanskrit: prob. fr. | 'standing forth prominently' | the back (as the prominent part of an animal), the hinder part or rear of anything | with | to ride on | to carry on the back | to give the back, make a low obeisance | behind or from behind | the upper side, surface, top, height | with | or | the surface of the sky, vault of heaven | the flat roof of a house | a page of a book | N. of •partic. arrangement of Sāmans (employed at the midday libation and formed from the Rathaṃtara, Bṛihat, Vairūpa, Vairāja, Śākvara, and Raivata Śākvara) | N. of various Sāmans [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW