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འགྲེལ་བ། (Wyl. 'grel ba ) Pron.: drelwa

བཀྲལ་བ།  འགྲེལ་བ།  དགྲོལ་བ།  ཁྲོལ།  ༼ཐ་དད་པ་༽
past pres. fut. imp. v.t.
  • Skt. वृत्तिः, vṛtti, Pron.: vritti. From Sanskrit: rolling, rolling down (of tears) | mode of life or conduct, course of action, behaviour, | also | for | general usage, common practice, rule | mode of being, nature, kind, character, disposition | state, condition | being, existing, occurring or appearing in | or | practice, business, devotion or addiction to, occupation with (often | profession, maintenance, subsistence, livelihood (often | or | [•Caus.] with | 'to live on or by' | with | 'to get or procure a maintenance for' | only certain means of subsistence are allowed to a Brāhman | wages, hire, Pañcav. | working, activity, function | mood (of the mind) | the use or occurrence of a word in a •partic. sense | its function or force | on | mode or measure of pronunciation and recitation | said to be threefold, viz. | and | as distinguished from a simple or uncompounded form | any word formed with Kṛit or Taddhita affixes, any compound and even duals and plurals which are regarded as Dvandva compounds, of which only one member is left, and all derivative verbs such as desideratives | style of composition (•esp. •dram. style, said to be of four kinds, viz. 1. Kaiśikī, 2. Bhāratī 3. Sātvatī, 4. Ārabhaṭī, qq.vv. | the first three are described as suited to the Śṛiñgāra, Vīra, and Raudra Rasas respectively, the last as common to all | in | alliteration, frequent repetition of the same consonant | five kinds enumerated, •scil. | and | final rhythm of a verse | = or | for | a commentary, comment, gloss, explanation (•esp. on a Sūtra) | N. of the wife of a Rudra [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW