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ཚེར་མ། (Wyl. tsher ma ) Pron.: tserma

  • Skt. कण्टकः, kaṇṭaka, Pron.: kantaka. From Sanskrit: a thorn | anything pointed, the point of a pin or needle, a prickle, sting | a fish-bone | a finger-nail | the erection of the hair of the body in thrilling emotions | unevenness or roughness (as on the surface of the tongue) | any troublesome seditious person (who is, as it were, a thorn to the state and an enemy of order and good government), a paltry foe, enemy in general | a sharp stinging pain, symptom of disease | a vexing or injurious speech | any annoyance or source of vexation, obstacle, impediment | the first, fourth, seventh, and tenth lunar mansions | and | a term in the Nyāya philosophy implying refutation of argument, detection of error | a bamboo | workshop, manufactory | boundary of a village | fault, defect | N. of Makara (or the marine monster, the symbol of Kāma-deva) | of the horse of Śākya-muni | wrong reading for | of an Agrahāra | of a barber [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW