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བསྐ་བ། (Wyl. bska ba ) Pron.: kawa

  • Skt. कषायः, kaṣāya, Pron.: kashaya. From Sanskrit: astringent | fragrant | red, dull red, yellowish red (as the garment of a Buddhist Bhikshu) | an astringent flavour or taste | a yellowish red colour | on | an astringent juice, extract of juice | a decoction or infusion | the result of boiling down a mixture consisting of one part of a drug and four or, according to some, eight or sixteen parts of water until only one quarter is left | any healing or medicinal potion | exudation from a tree, juice, gum, resin | ointment, smearing, anointing | colouring or perfuming or anointing the person with cosmetics | dirt, filth | stain or impurity or sin cleaving to the soul | dulness, stupidity | defect, decay, degeneracy | of which, according to Buddhists, there are five marks, viz. | attachment to worldly objects | red, redness | a kind of snake | emotion, passion | of which the Jainas reckon four kinds | the Kali-yuga | the tree Bignonia Indica | N. of a teacher | the tree Grislea tomentosa [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW