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བཞད་གད་པ། (Wyl. bzhad gad pa ) Pron.: shyé gepa

  • Skt. विदूषकः, vidūṣaka, Pron.: vidushaka. From Sanskrit: defiling, disgracing | facetious, witty | a jester, wag, buffoon (•esp. in •dram.) the jocose companion and confidential friend of the hero of a play (he acts the same confidential part towards the king or hero, that her female companions do towards the heroine | his business is to excite mirth in person and attire, and to make himself the universal butt | a curious regulation requires him to be a Brāhman, or higher in caste than the king himself | a libertine, catamite | N. of a Brāhman [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW