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བཀྲ་ཡར། (Wyl. bkra yar ) Pron.: tra yar

  • Skt. विभक्तिः, vibhakti, Pron.: vibhakti. From Sanskrit: separation, partition, division, distinction, modification | part, portion, share of inheritance | inflection of nouns, declension, an affix of declension, case | to | 'a termination or inflection either of a case or of the persons of a tense' | certain Taddhita affixes which are used like case terminations have also the name Vi-bhakti | in the Yājyā formulas •esp. the cases of | are so called | a •partic. division of a Sāman | a •partic. high number [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW
  • Skt. विभक्तम्, vibhakta, Pron.: vibhakta. From Sanskrit: divided, distributed among | after a partition, Yājn. ii, 126 | one who has received his share | one who has caused a partition to be made | parted, separated by | or | separated from | without | isolated, secluded | distinct, different, various, manifold | divided into regular parts, harmonious, symmetrical | ornamented, decorated | divided (arithmetically) | N. of Skanda | isolation, seclusion, solitude [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW