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ཕྱམ་གྱི་སྤྱི་རྟེན། (Wyl. phyam gyi spyi rten ) Pron.: cham gyi chi ten

  • Skt. कूटः, kūṭa, Pron.: kuta. From Sanskrit: the bone of the forehead with its projections or prominences, horn | a kind of vessel or implement | any prominence or projection | qq. vv. | summit, peak or summit of a mountain | summit, head | the highest, most excellent, first | a heap, multitude | a multitude of clouds | part of a plough, ploughshare, body of a plough | an iron mallet | a trap for catching deer, concealed weapon (as a dagger in a wooden case, sword-stick) | illusion, fraud, trick, untruth, falsehood | a puzzling question, enigma | a kind of hall | N. of a particular constellation | a subdivision of Graha-yuddha | a mystical N. of the letter | N. of Agastya | of an enemy of Vishṇu | uniform substance (as the etherial element) | a water-jar | a kind of plant | a house, dwelling | and | not horned or cornuted (as an animal with incomplete continuations of the bone of the forehead) | false, untrue, deceitful | base (as coins) | an ox whose horns are broken | counterfeited objects (of a merchant) [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW