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དཔག་བྲལ། (Wyl. dpag bral ) Pron.: pakdral

  • Skt. निगमम्, nigama, Pron.: nigama. From Sanskrit: insertion (•esp. of the name of a deity into a liturgical formula) | the place or passage (•esp. of the Vedas) where a word occurs or the actual word quoted from such a passage | the root (as the source from which a word comes | hence | the Veda or the Vedic text | any work auxiliary to and explanatory of the Vedas | a sacred precept, the words of a god or holy man | doctrine, instruction in, art of | certainty, assurance | trade, traffic | a town, city, market-place | a road | a caravan or company of merchants | a •partic. number [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW