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以下顯示從第 611 筆至第 660 筆中的 50 筆結果:

檢視(前 50 筆 | 後 50 筆)(20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500

  1. Eleven topics of tantra 續部十一事
  2. Eleven virtuous states 十一善心所
  3. Elizabeth Mattis-Namgyel 伊麗莎白.馬蒂斯.南嘉
  4. Elucidating the Sage's Intent
  5. Emotional obscurations
  6. Empowerment Mantras
  7. Empowerment log for Trulshik Rinpoche's visit 2003
  8. Empowerment 灌頂
  9. Empowerments Given to the Rigpa Sangha
  10. Emptiness Mantra
  11. Emptiness 空性
  12. Enchey Monastery
  13. Enlightened activity
  14. Enlightened qualities
  15. Enlightenment 菩提 / 證悟 / 正覺
  16. Entity
  17. Ephemeral Hells 孤獨地獄
  18. Equalizing ourselves and others
  19. Equanimity 捨 / 平等捨
  20. Erik Pema Kunsang
  21. Essence
  22. Essence of Clear Light
  23. Essence of Dependent Origination dharani 緣起咒(相依緣起精要陀羅尼)
  24. Essence of enlightenment
  25. Essential rigpa
  26. Eternalism
  27. Evidence
  28. Exchanging ourselves and others 自他交換 / 取受法
  29. Exclusion
  30. Eye Commentary
  31. Faculties 根/二十二根
  32. Faith
  33. False Aspectarians 無相 / 假相唯識派
  34. Father Tantras
  35. Field of merit
  36. Fifty-eight wrathful deities 五十八忿怒尊
  37. Fifty-five mental states 五十五心所
  38. Fifty-one mental states 五十一心所
  39. Fifty Stanzas on Following a Teacher 事師法五十頌
  40. Finding Comfort and Ease in Meditation
  41. Finding Comfort and Ease in the Illusoriness of Things
  42. Finding Comfort and Ease in the Nature of Mind
  43. Fire Puja Mantras
  44. First Beru Khyentse Rinpoche
  45. First Drubwang Pema Norbu
  46. Five Chronicles
  47. Five Excellent Ones of Sublime Nobility 聖種五賢
  48. Five Patron Gods 五守舍神
  49. Five Sakya patriarchs 薩迦五祖
  50. Five Sisters of Long Life 長壽五天女

檢視(前 50 筆 | 後 50 筆)(20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500