刪節線 代表該項目的問題已經解決。
以下顯示從第 351 筆至第 400 筆中的 50 筆結果:
檢視(前 50 筆 | 後 50 筆)(20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
- Four chokshyaks → Four chokshyaks 四全放(大圓滿立斷竅訣:身如山全放、眼如海全放、行為自解全放、覺性任運全放)(另譯「四直定」:見量如山直定,修量如海直定,行量顯現直定,果量覺性直定) → Four chokshyaks 四全放/四直定
- Four circumstances which destroy the source of virtue → Four circumstances which destroy one's source of virtue → Four circumstances which destroy one's source of virtue 損善四行(發瞋恨心、自詡功德、於善生悔、顛倒迴向)
- Four dignitaries → Four dignities → Four dignities 四威嚴/四威相(屬於香巴拉法教)
- Four female gate keepers → Four female gatekeepers → Four female gatekeepers 四守門女/四方守護明母
- Four great disciples of Zurchungpa Sherab Trak → Four great disciples of Zurchung Sherab Drakpa → Four great disciples of Zurchung Sherab Drakpa 素爾穹‧喜饒扎巴之四大弟子
- Four great disciples of Zurchungpa Sherab Drakpa → Four great disciples of Zurchung Sherab Drakpa → Four great disciples of Zurchung Sherab Drakpa 素爾穹‧喜饒扎巴之四大弟子
- Four male gate keepers → Four male gatekeepers → Four male gatekeepers 護門四王
- Four modes of rebirth → Four modes of birth → Four modes of birth 四生
- Four perfect understandings → Four perfect knowledges → Four perfect knowledges 全知四德(義善、法善、辭善、辯才善)
- Four specific perfect understandings → Four perfect knowledges → Four perfect knowledges 全知四德(義善、法善、辭善、辯才善)
- Four perfect knowledges → Four perfect knowledges 全知四德(義善、法善、辭善、辯才善) → Four perfect knowledges 四無礙解(義善、法善、辭善、辯才善)
- Four points illustrating the dharmakaya → Four points illustrating the dharmakaya 法身四義(自性身、智法身、報身、化身) → Four points illustrating the dharmakaya 能詮「果法身」的四義
- Four points illustrating the instantaneous application → Four points illustrating the instantaneous application 剎那現觀加行四義(非異熟剎那加行、異熟剎那加行、無相剎那加行、無二剎那加行) → Four points illustrating the instantaneous application 能詮「剎那加行」的四義
- Four prerequisites → Four prerequisites 四發心(表示尊重、承諾精進、遠離憍慢、充滿法喜 -「學法四先決條件」) → Four prerequisites 四發心 / 學法四先決條件
- Four Primary Elements → Four primary elements → Four primary elements 四大種
- Four principles of reasoning → Four principles of reasoning 因明論證的四原則(因、明、性、證) → Four principles of reasoning 因明論證的四原則(因、緣、性、證)
- Four principles of reasoning 因明論證的四原則(因、明、性、證) → Four principles of reasoning 因明論證的四原則(因、緣、性、證) → Four principles of reasoning 因明論證的四道理(因、緣、性、證)
- Four principles of reasoning 因明論證的四原則(因、緣、性、證) → Four principles of reasoning 因明論證的四道理(因、緣、性、證) → Four principles of reasoning 因明論證的四道理
- Four reliances → Four reliances 四法依 → Four reliances 四依法
- Four Schools → Four schools → Four schools 四學派(印度佛教四部:說一切有部、經量部、瑜伽部、中觀部)(西藏佛教四教派:寧瑪、薩迦、噶舉、格魯)
- Four Seals → Four seals → Four seals 四法印
- Four sessions → Four sessions of retreat → Four sessions of retreat 正修四時
- Four Sessions of Retreat → Four sessions of retreat → Four sessions of retreat 正修四時
- Four stages of approach and accomplishment → Four stages of approach and accomplishment 近修四支(修、近修、成就、大成就) → Four stages of approach and accomplishment 誦修四支
- The four philosophical schools of Indo-Tibetan Buddhism → Four tenet systems → Four tenet systems 四部宗義
- Four conditions → Four types of condition → Four types of condition 四緣
- Four guests → Four types of guest → Four types of guest 四賓客(上供下施等修持的對象)
- Four objects → Four types of object → Four types of object 四對境
- Four types of object → Four types of object 四對境 → Four types of object 四境 / 四種對境
- Four levels of a vidyadhara → Four vidyadhara levels → Four vidyadhara levels 四持明果位
- Four virtuous disciplines → Four virtuous disciplines 四賢德(不要求過份、不挾怨報復、不以牙還牙、不揭人隱私) → Four virtuous disciplines 四賢德(不過份要求、不挾怨報復、不以牙還牙、不揭人隱私)
- Four ways of gathering disciples → Four ways of attracting disciples → Four ways of attracting disciples 四攝事/四攝法(布施、愛語、利行、同事)
- Four means of attraction → Four ways of attracting disciples → Four ways of attracting disciples 四攝事/四攝法(布施、愛語、利行、同事)
- Four means of magnetizing → Four ways of attracting disciples → Four ways of attracting disciples 四攝事/四攝法(布施、愛語、利行、同事)
- Front generation → Front visualization → Front visualization 對生本尊
- Fulfilment → Fulfilment 圓滿 → Fulfilment 遍滿 / 盈滿
- Tsokdak → Ganapati → Ganapati 象鼻天
- Ganden Tripa → Ganden Tripa 甘丹赤巴 / 甘丹寺法教持有者 → Ganden Tripa 甘丹赤巴 / 甘丹寺法座持有者
- Geluk → Gelug → Gelug 格魯派
- Jé Khenpo Gendün Rinchen → Gendün Rinchen → Gendün Rinchen 給敦仁千
- Gendun Rinchen → Gendün Rinchen → Gendün Rinchen 給敦仁千
- Geshé → Geshe → Geshe 格西
- Geshe Wangyal → Geshe Ngawang Wangyal → Geshe Ngawang Wangyal 昂汪旺嘉格西
- Jinpa, Thupten → Geshe Thupten Jinpa → Geshe Thupten Jinpa 圖丹津巴格西
- GTJ → Geshe Thupten Jinpa → Geshe Thupten Jinpa 圖丹津巴格西
- Thupten Jinpa → Geshe Thupten Jinpa → Geshe Thupten Jinpa 圖丹津巴格西
- Gona Tulku → Gongna Rinpoche → Gongna Rinpoche 貢納仁波切 (貢拿活佛)
- Ground Luminosity → Ground luminosity → Ground luminosity 基光明
- Dorje Drollö → Guru Dorje Drolö → Guru Dorje Drolö 金剛怖畏上師
- Dorje Trollö → Guru Dorje Drolö → Guru Dorje Drolö 金剛怖畏上師