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以下顯示從第 1,961 筆至第 2,010 筆中的 50 筆結果:

檢視(前 50 筆 | 後 50 筆)(20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500

  1. Pumba 寶瓶
  2. Pure perception 清淨觀 / 淨觀
  3. Pure vision 淨相
  4. Purification, perfection, and maturation 清淨、圓滿、成熟(生起次第三要素)
  5. Purity and equality
  6. Purusha
  7. Purvavideha
  8. Pöpa Tulku
  9. Question particle, differentiating and including particle, འབྱེད་སྡུད་
  10. Questions on the Bodhicharyavatara
  11. Quotations: Aryadeva, Four Hundred Verses, Emptiness of one is everything
  12. Quotations: Aryadeva, Four Hundred Verses, Entertaining doubts about Samsara will make it fall appart
  13. Quotations: Aryadeva, Four Hundred Verses, Turn away from non-virtue
  14. Quotations: Ashvaghosha, Letter of Consolation, Beings are born so they die
  15. Quotations: Ashvaghosha, Letter of Consolation, Even rishis will never reach a place where they never die
  16. Quotations: Atisha, Jewel Rosary of the Bodhisattvas
  17. Quotations: Atisha, Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment, Intermediates avoid harmful actions
  18. Quotations: Atisha, Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment, Lesser individuals strife for pleasures of samsara
  19. Quotations: Atisha, Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment, Supremes long to end the sufferings of others
  20. Quotations: Atisha, Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment, Three kinds of beings
  21. Quotations: Atisha, The best guru attacks your hidden faults
  22. Quotations: Avatamsaka Sutra
  23. Quotations: Bhavaviveka, Heart of the Middle Way
  24. Quotations: Bodhisattva Pitaka
  25. Quotations: Chandragomin, Letter to a Disciple
  26. Quotations: Chandrakirti, Introduction to the Middle Way, Apprehended by undamaged senses
  27. Quotations: Chandrakirti, Introduction to the Middle Way, Causes for the victors heirs
  28. Quotations: Chandrakirti, Introduction to the Middle Way, Compassion
  29. Quotations: Chandrakirti, Introduction to the Middle Way, Compassion for being clinging to self
  30. Quotations: Chandrakirti, Introduction to the Middle Way, Know how the two truths differ
  31. Quotations: Chandrakirti, Introduction to the Middle Way, Limited beings cannot express Buddhas qualities
  32. Quotations: Chandrakirti, Introduction to the Middle Way, Neither non-existent nor everlasting
  33. Quotations: Chandrakirti, Introduction to the Middle Way, Other philosophical systems come to be destroyed
  34. Quotations: Chandrakirti, Introduction to the Middle Way, Relative truth
  35. Quotations: Chandrakirti, Introduction to the Middle Way, Ultimate is what is seen correctly
  36. Quotations: Chandrakirti, Introduction to the Middle Way, Whom to teach ultimate truth
  37. Quotations: Compendium of Dharma Sutra
  38. Quotations: Dharmakirti, Commentary on Valid Cognition, All faults come from the idea of "I"
  39. Quotations: Dharmakirti, Commentary on Valid Cognition, That which performs a function is ultimately existent
  40. Quotations: Dharmakirti, Commentary on Valid Cognition, The nature of the mind is clear light
  41. Quotations: Diamond Cutter Sutra: Like a star, hallucination...《金剛經》一切有為法
  42. Quotations: Diamond Cutter Sutra《金剛經》不能見如來
  43. Quotations: Gandavyuha Sutra
  44. Quotations: Garab Dorje, Rigpa recognized as dharmakaya
  45. Quotations: Garab Dorje, Three Statements that Hit the Crucial Point
  46. Quotations: Great Drum Sutra
  47. Quotations: Heart Sutra 《心經》
  48. Quotations: Hevajra Tantra
  49. Quotations: Indian Masters
  50. Quotations: Interdependent Origination 緣起偈

檢視(前 50 筆 | 後 50 筆)(20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500