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  • [[Image:Chekawa.jpg|thumb|[[Chekawa Yeshe Dorje]]]] # The First Dalai Lama [[Gendün Drup]]’s (fifteenth century) ''Lucid and Succint Guide to Mind
    33 KB (2,561 個字) - 2022年7月20日 (三) 14:15
  • …Dorje (1881-1943), who was in turn the direct incarnation of [[Do Khyentse Yeshe Dorje]] (1800-1866), the mind incarnation of [[Jikmé Lingpa]] (1730-1798). …Zenkar Pema Ngödrup Rolwé Dorje)(1881~1943)的轉世,後者則是多.欽哲.耶喜.多傑(Do Khyentse Yeshe Dorje) (1800~1866)的直接轉世—也就是吉美林巴(Jikmé Li
    19 KB (1,730 個字) - 2021年4月30日 (五) 15:03
  • …h his uncle [[Samten Gyatso]], his root master, as well as with many other lamas of both [[Kagyü]] and [[Nyingma]] schools of Tibetan Buddhism. Among the …a Hermitage, in the mountains above the Kathmandu valley. He was the first lama to spread the Tibetan Buddhist teachings to Malaysia. In 1980 Tulku Urgyen
    9 KB (845 個字) - 2023年4月19日 (三) 19:47
  • …henomena I studied [[Letter to a Friend ]] by the Lord [[Nagarjuna]]. From Lama Orgyen Rigdzog (Vidyadhara of Oddiyana), the disciple of [[Khenpo Ngawang… …d with many lamas: [[Polu Khenpo Dorje]], Chadral Rinpoche, and truly Rimé lama [[Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö]], who embraced the teachings of all sect
    29 KB (4,714 個字) - 2021年1月3日 (日) 13:53
  • …'rgyal ston rin po che karma o rgyan 'jigs med chos kyi seng ge'') aka '''Lama Saltong Shagom''' (Tib. བླ་མ་གསལ་སྟོང་ཤྭ་ …He was also known as an emanation of [[Manjushrimitra]], [[Nupchen Sangye Yeshe]] and Tsöndrü Senge. He studied with [[Palpung Situ Pema Wangchok Gyalpo|
    6 KB (496 個字) - 2020年3月18日 (三) 11:05
  • '''Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche''' or '''Dudjom Jikdral Yeshe Dorje''' (Tib. བདུད་འཇོམས་འཇིགས་བྲལ
    22 KB (2,189 個字) - 2021年3月29日 (一) 12:09
  • …them in three great gatherings, to teach the [[Kagyé Deshek Düpa]], the [[Lama Gongdü]], and the [[Kadü Chökyi Gyatso]]. [[Image:Yeshe Tsogyal.JPG|thumb|Guru Rinpoche's closest disciple, [[Yeshe Tsogyal]]]]
    27 KB (4,091 個字) - 2016年8月21日 (日) 19:38
  • [[Image:Khunu Lama.jpeg|frame|'''Khunu Lama Tenzin Gyaltsen''']] …'dzin rgyal mtshan'') (1895-1977) — a teacher of [[His Holiness the Dalai Lama]], especially for the ''[[Bodhicharyavatara]]'', for which he held [[Patrul
    21 KB (801 個字) - 2021年8月29日 (日) 18:26
  • …心七要》(Seven-Point Mind Training),藏:blo sbyong don bdun ma,切卡瓦‧耶謝‧多傑(Chekawa Yeshe Dorje)撰。 <br> 敦珠‧吉札‧耶謝‧多傑(Dudjom Jigdral Yeshe Dorje)(2005)。《珍珠鬘:敦珠法王歷代轉世祈請文》(
    37 KB (3,279 個字) - 2022年6月28日 (二) 21:13
  • …mbhava]], Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche was the teacher of many of the important lamas of today. …eachings from him. He was the master of masters — His Holiness the [[Dalai Lama]] considers him as his main teacher of Dzogchen — and also became spiritu
    14 KB (1,345 個字) - 2021年3月29日 (一) 12:34
  • (S.; T. yeshe, "primordial knowing"):
    37 KB (1,277 個字) - 2021年9月15日 (三) 16:11
  • Lama:藏 bla ma;梵:guru:喇嘛 Yeshe Tsogyal:耶喜·措嘉佛母
    34 KB (3,019 個字) - 2023年6月6日 (二) 15:28
  • …mudra and Dzogchen)以及《當下清新覺智》(Present Fresh Wakefulness),皆由自生慧出版社(Rangjung Yeshe Publications)於 1987年出版。 Chekawa Yeshe Dorje 傑卡瓦耶喜多傑 (1101-1175):
    97 KB (3,101 個字) - 2024年4月17日 (三) 20:57

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