Five object-determining mental states 五別境

於 2015年7月25日 (六) 13:04 由 SSTC Bubble對話 | 貢獻 所做的修訂 (SSTC Bubble 已移動頁面 Five object-determining mental statesFive object-determining mental states 五別境
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The five object-determining mental states (Skt. viṣayaniyata; Tib. ཡུལ་ངེས་ལྔ་, Wyl. yul nges lnga) are a set of mental factors among the fifty-one mental states, so-called because they determine the coming into contact of the mind and objects. They are:

  1. Interest (Skt. chanda; Tib. འདུན་པ་, Wyl. ‘dun pa)
  2. Appreciation (Skt. adhimokṣa; Tib. མོས་པ་, Wyl. mos pa)
  3. Mindfulness (Skt. smṛti; Tib. དྲན་པ་, Wyl. dran pa)
  4. Concentration (Skt. samādhi; Tib. ཏིང་འཛིན་, Wyl. ting ‘dzin)
  5. Intelligence (Skt. prajñā; Tib. ཤེས་རབ་, Wyl. shes rab)