查無此差異 (1371 和 1372) 中的2 次修訂。
這通常是因為差異的連結過時,頁面已被刪除。 詳情資訊請參閱 刪除日誌。
此分類包含以下 6 個子分類,共 6 個。
此分類包含以下 99 個頁面,共 99 個。
- Three actions of forsaking, joining and attaining 噶當巴三得 / 三類
- Three activities of a pandita 班智達三事業
- Three ancestral religious kings 三大護法國王(松贊岡波、赤松德贊、赤惹巴千)
- Three appearances 三相(顯、增、得)
- Three authentics 三真實/三純正(上師加持、弟子虔敬、傳承教言)
- Three bases of clinging 三執取基礎
- Three basic rituals of the Vinaya 毘那耶之三種基本儀式
- Three blazings 三熾燃(修行成就的表徵)
- Three Brothers 三兄弟(種敦巴三大弟子)
- Three Buddhist Councils 佛滅後三結集
- Three categories 大圓滿三部(心、界、訣)
- Three causes of disturbing emotions 三煩惱源
- Three characteristics of empowerment 灌頂三特性
- Three close-mindfulnesses 三念住/三念處/三意止(於信者不執、不信者不惱、皆非者不憂)
- Three clusters 三種細微身體元素(膽、痰、風,屬於藏醫的觀點)
- Three conceptual spheres 三輪(作者、受者、所作)
- Three defects of the vessel 根器三過失
- Three deities of long life 長壽三尊
- Three deities of protection 怙主三尊
- Three Deities of the Great Master Vajrapani 金剛手菩薩忿怒三尊
- Three disciplines of a bodhisattva 菩薩三戒律
- Three doors 三門(身、語、意)
- Three experiences 三覺受(禪修時的三種體驗:樂、明、無念)
- Three fears 三種怖畏
- Three fierce mantras 三忿怒咒
- Three gateways to liberation 三解脫門
- Three gatherings 三種聚集
- Three great Gelugpa seats 格魯三大寺(甘丹、色拉、哲蚌)
- Three gunas 三德[數論Samkhya(又稱「迦毗羅論」)派認為「原質」是由薩埵(喜),羅闍(憂)和答磨(暗)這三德所組成]
- Three higher realms 上三道/三善趣
- Three higher trainings 三增上學處(戒、定、慧)
- Three inner tantras 三內密
- Three Jewels 三寶
- Three kayas 三身(法、報、化)
- Three kinds of compassion 三慈悲
- Three kinds of faith 三信心
- Three kinds of ignorance 三無明
- Three kinds of laziness 三怠惰
- Three kinds of perception 三現分
- Three kinds of prostration 三種頂禮
- Three kinds of ritual purification 三種清淨
- Three lay patriarchs of the Sakya tradition. 薩迦五祖之三位在家祖師
- Three levels of spiritual capacity 三種根器
- Three lineages of transmission 三傳承(如來密意傳the mind direct transmission of the buddhas、持明表示傳the sign transmission of the vidyadharas、補特伽羅耳傳the oral transmission from special individuals)
- Three lower realms 下三道/三惡趣
- Three main provinces of Tibet 西藏三大區(衛藏、康、安多)
- Three major structural themes 說法三綱要
- Three mandalas 三壇城
- Three Mañjughoshas of Tibet 西藏三位文殊化身(薩迦班智達、龍欽巴、宗喀巴,依巴楚仁波切之見)
- Three Men from Kham 康巴三人(岡波巴三位來自康地的弟子)
- Three modes of liberation 三種解脫方式
- Three modes 邏輯論證的三種模式
- Three most holy places of Tibet 西藏三大聖地(岡底斯山、拉企雪山、雜日)
- Three natures 三自性(唯識宗的核心思想)
- Three neighs of the horse 三種馬鳴聲
- Three noble principles 三善法(初、中、後)
- Three outer classes of tantra 三外密
- Three pitakas 三藏
- Three poisons 三毒
- Three pure factors 三淨因
- Three purities when making offerings 三種供養清淨
- Three qualifications for composing a shastra 三種撰論資格
- Three realms 三界
- Three Roots 三根本
- Three samadhis 三三摩地
- Three secret profound empowerments 三種深密灌頂(四種灌頂的後三種)
- Three secrets 三密
- Three sets of vows 三律儀
- Three spheres of dharmic activity 佛法三事業
- Three stupas 三大佛塔(尼泊爾加德滿都)
- Three sweet foods 三甜食
- Three tantras 三密續
- Three times 三世(過去、現在、未來)
- Three Turnings 三轉法輪
- Three types of human existence 三種人身
- Three types of investigation 三種伺察
- Three types of miraculous ability 三種神妙事業
- Three types of suffering 三苦
- Three types of Words of the Buddha 三種佛語
- Three vajra resolutions 噶當巴三金剛決定
- Three vajras 三金剛(身、語、意)
- Three ways of pleasing or serving the teacher 承侍上師的三種方式
- Three white foods 三白食
- Three wisdom tools 三慧(聞、思、修)
- Three yanas leading from the origin 三因乘
- Three yanas of powerful transformative methods 三內密(能作強力轉化的法門)
- Three yanas of vedic asceticism 三外密(依照吠陀苦行的法門)
- Three yanas 三乘
- Threefold kindness (根本上師)三恩慈
- Trilogy of Dispelling Darkness 遣除黑暗三論(龍欽巴為《秘密藏續》所寫的三本釋論:《遣除十方諸暗》、《遣除心暗》、《遣除無明暗》)
- Trilogy of Finding Comfort and Ease 三休息論(龍欽巴《大圓滿心性休息論》、《大圓滿靜慮休息論》和《大圓滿幻變休息論》)
- Trilogy of Natural Freedom 三自解脫論(龍欽巴《大圓滿心性自解脫論》、《大圓滿法性自解脫論》、《大圓滿平等性自解脫論》)