「模板:翻譯日期 2」修訂間的差異

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行 9: 行 9:
| style="text-align:right;" | {{{P3}}}
| style="text-align:right;" | {{{P3}}}
| colspan="2" |代表「普賢法譯小組」與大眾分享,感謝所有參與翻譯及校對的志工夥伴!有關人名、地名等音譯或用詞,或因習慣不一、或因學識不足,若有錯誤、漏失或非官方稱呼,敬請各方法友來信指正及建議:sstc.roc@gmail.com。若有稍許功德,盡皆迴向上師長壽、正法長流、大地豐饒、眾生證果!
| colspan="2" |代表普賢法譯小組與大眾分享以上中譯,感謝所有參與翻譯及校對的志工夥伴!迴向眾生皆能離苦得樂、速證佛果!
| colspan="3" |With permission from Rigpa Wiki to provide Chinese translation of its content for all readers and free of charge, however, do not serve as the official version of its Chinese translation.
| colspan="3" |With permission from Rigpa Wiki to provide Chinese translation of its content for all readers and free of charge, however, do not serve as the official version of its Chinese translation.

於 2015年7月26日 (日) 17:40 的最新修訂

中譯: {{{P1}}} {{{D1}}}
完稿: {{{P2}}} {{{D2}}}
{{{P3}}} 代表普賢法譯小組與大眾分享以上中譯,感謝所有參與翻譯及校對的志工夥伴!迴向眾生皆能離苦得樂、速證佛果!
With permission from Rigpa Wiki to provide Chinese translation of its content for all readers and free of charge, however, do not serve as the official version of its Chinese translation.