「Chogye Trichen Rinpoche 究給.崔津仁波切」修訂間的差異

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於 2016年8月27日 (六) 17:22 的修訂

Chogye Trichen Rinpoche (Wyl. bco brgyad khri chen) aka Ngawang Khyenrab Thupten Lekshé Gyatso (Wy. ngag dbang mkhyen rab thub bstan legs bshad rgya mtsho) (1920-2007) was the head of the Tsarpa branch of the Sakya school. He was born in Tsang in 1920 and was recognized by the Thirteenth Dalai Lama as the reincarnation of the previous Nalendra Monastery. His root teachers were the Fourth Zimwog Rinpoche Kunga Tenzin and Dampa Rinpoche Shenpen Nyingpo. Following the Chinese invasion of Tibet he went to Mustang, where his sister was married to the king. He later became the secretary general of the Council for Religious and Cultural Affairs of the Tibetan government in exile, serving in this position until 1969. He founded the monasteries of Tashi Rabten Ling in Lumbini and Jamchen Lhakhang in Boudhanath. He passed away in January 2007, remaining in tukdam for fifteen days. His disciples include His Holiness the Dalai Lama and His Holiness Sakya Trizin.

究給.企千仁波切(或譯為究給.赤欽仁波切、秋吉.赤千仁波切),亦名拿旺.欽饒.土登.磊謝.嘉措(1920-2007),是薩迦派察巴支派的領袖。仁波切於1920出生於中藏, 由十三世達賴喇嘛認證為先前那瀾陀寺[其法座持有者*]的轉世。他的根本上師為第四世星沃仁波切貢噶.滇津(Zimwog Rinpoche Kunga Tenzin)以及當巴仁波切賢遍.寧波(Dampa Rinpoche Shenpen Nyingpo)。因仁波切的姊姊嫁給了幕斯唐的國王,於是在中國入侵西藏後,仁波切遂前往幕斯唐。之後,仁波切擔任西藏流亡政府宗教暨文化事務委員會秘書長一職,直至1969年為止。仁波切在尼泊爾藍毘尼成立了吉祥極堅寺(Tashi Rabten Ling),在博達地區成立了大慈寺(Jamchen Lhakhang)。仁波切於2007年1月圓寂,安住於「圖當」(tukdam,法性中陰禪定)之中達十五日。他的弟子包括了尊者達賴喇嘛與薩迦崔津法王。

  • 中譯註:此處為按文意以及仁波切傳記而加入。/Nalendra Monastery為十五世紀薩迦派的主寺之一,由Rongtön Sheja Kunrig於1436創建。依記載,察巴的主寺是依那爛陀起名的,雖非印度的那座,但為同名;Rigpa wiki是梵文翻成藏文再翻成英文的拼音,因此有些不準確, 變成了nalandra,因為藏文口語各地不同, 也有直接翻作nalanda的。


  • Chogay Trichen, The History of the Sakya Tradition, Ganesha Press, 1983
  • 薩迦茶巴法王秋吉赤千仁波切著,《薩迦傳承史》(1994臺灣大手印文化事業有限公司出版),黃英傑譯。
  • Chogye Trichen Rinpoche, Parting from the Four Attachments, Snow Lion, 2003
  • 究給企千仁波切,《遠離四種執著》(2009臺灣橡樹林文化出版)。

尚有一本中譯著作,未收錄於Rigpa Wiki之中,謹列於下:

  • 薩迦茶巴法王秋吉赤千仁波切著,《見而有幸-藍毗尼園的故事》(2001 Jamchen Lhakhang Monastery出版),黃英傑譯。

Further Reading

  • 'The Biography of Chogye Trichen Rinpoche' in Chogye Trichen Rinpoche, Parting from the Four Attachments, Snow Lion, 2003, pp. 19-49
  • 〈究給企千仁波切傳〉,收錄於究給.企千仁波切著的《遠離四種執著》中。(中譯註:可參閱http://www.sjnz.org/dade-content.php?aid=145

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Chogye Trichen Rinpoche

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