「Doctor Lodrö Puntsok 洛熱彭措醫生」修訂間的差異

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(SSTC Bubble 已移動頁面 Doctor Lodrö PuntsokDoctor Lodrö Puntsok 洛熱彭措醫生

於 2016年8月8日 (一) 22:47 的修訂

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Doctor Lodrö Puntsok photo by Arne Schelling

Doctor Lodrö Puntsok (Wyl. blo gros phun tshogs) (b. 1943) - doctor in chief of the Tibetan hospital of Dzongsar, and a very active influence in the preservation of the medical and cultural heritage of Tibet.


Lodrö Puntsok began his studies of Tibetan medicine at the age of 16. He also studied Tibetan Buddhism, grammar, poetry, astrology, art, woodcraft, and sculpture. He has published books on Buddhism and medicine, and has written extensively about the history of Dzongsar monastery and the lives of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo and Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö. Since 1983, he has been promoting community service projects such as environmental protection, medical care for the poor, and cultural preservation, and has introduced classes in traditional Tibetan handicrafts at Dzongsar shedra.


Work History

  • 1954-1958: Became a monk in Dzongsar Monastery. Learned and how to read and write.
  • 1954-1958年:在宗薩寺出家為僧。學習讀寫。
  • 1961-1979: Began to study Tibetan medicine.
  • 1961-1979年:開始研習西藏醫藥。
  • 1975-present: Works as director and physician at the Puma Township Cooperative Clinic. The clinic became Dzongsar Tibetan Hospital in 1981. Over the past twenty five years, has provided free medicine and health care to monks and villagers. Has been working as the head of the hospital since 1996.
  • 1975年至今:擔任普馬鄉合作醫療站的負責人與醫生。1981年,醫療站發展為宗薩寺藏醫院。過去二十五年來,洛熱彭措醫生為出家眾與村民提供免費醫療健康照護,並自1996年以來擔任醫院院長。
  • 2001-present: Established The Yothok Yonden Gonpo Medical Center ( Dzongsar )
  • 2001年至今:在宗薩建立了玉妥雲丹貢波醫療中心。
  • This is the first NGO in Derge county and the second NGO in Ganzi prefecture.
  • 這是德格縣的第一個,甘孜州的第二個非政府非營利組織。
  • 2007: Dr Puntsok also holds the positions listed below.
  • 2007年,洛熱彭措醫生擔任的職務如下:
  • Dzongsar Monastery Management Committee [Director] 宗薩寺管理委員會(寺管委)主任
  • Dzongsar Five Sapience Buddhism Seminary [Vice President] 宗薩五明佛學院副院長
  • Dzongsar Monastery Tibetan Hospital [President] 宗薩寺藏醫院院長
  • Ganzi Prefecture Tibetan Physics Academy [Vice Researcher] 甘孜州藏醫藥研究所副研究員
  • Dege County Buddhism Institute [Vice Secretary-General] 德格縣佛教協會副秘書長
  • Dege County Political Institute [Commissary] 德格縣政治局委員
  • Kangba Tibetan Buddhism Culture Research Inst[Vice Secretary-General] 康巴藏傳佛教文化研究會副秘書長


  • 'jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse sku phreng gong 'og gi rnam thar

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Doctor Lodrö Puntsok

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