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於 2015年8月20日 (四) 14:00 的最新修訂

སྲེག་པ། (Wyl. sreg pa ) Pron.: sekpa

བསྲེགས་པ།  སྲེག་པ།  བསྲེག་པ།  སྲེགས།  ༼ཐ་དད་པ་༽
past pres. fut. imp. v.t.
  • Skt. तित्तिरिः, tittiri, Pron.: tittiri. From Sanskrit: a partridge | a kind of step (in dancing) | the school of the Taittirīyas | k. | N. of a pupil of Yāska (first teacher of the Taittirīya school of the black •YV.) | of a Nāga, i, 1560 ; v, 3629 | a female partridge | . [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW