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於 2015年8月20日 (四) 13:49 的最新修訂

སྐེམ་བྱེད། (Wyl. skem byed ) Pron.: kem jé

  • Skt. स्कन्दः, skanda, Pron.: skanda. From Sanskrit: anything which jumps or hops (in | spurting, effusing, effusion, spilling, shedding | and | perishing, destruction | quick-silver | 'Attacker', N. of Kārttikeya | son of Śiva or of Agni | he is called god of war as leader of Śiva's hosts against the enemies of the gods | he is also leader of the demons of illness that attack children | also god of burglars and thieves | and | N. of Śiva | a king prince | a clever or learned man | the body | the [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW