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於 2015年8月20日 (四) 13:47 的最新修訂

ཤེས་ཉེན་ཅན། (Wyl. shes nyen can ) Pron.: shé nyenchen

  • Skt. दक्षः, dakṣa, Pron.: daksha. From Sanskrit: able, fit, adroit, expert, clever, dexterous, industrious, intelligent | strong, heightening or strengthening the intellectual faculties (Soma), ix f. | passable (the Ganges) | suitable | right (opposed to left) | ability, fitness, mental power, talent | strength of will, energy, disposition | evil disposition | a particular form of temple | a general lover | a cock | N. of a plant | fire | Śiva's bull | N. of an Āditya (identified with Prajā-pati | father of Kṛittikā | N. of one of the Prajā-patis | born from Brahmā's right thumb | or from A-ja, 'the unborn' | or son of Pra-cetas or of the of 10 Pra-cetasas, whence called Prācetasa | father of 24 daughters by Pra-sūti | of 50 [or 60 | or 44 | or 17 | or 8 | N. of a son of Garuḍa | of a man with the | Pārvati | of a law-giver | of a son of Uśī-nara | of one of the 5 Kānyakubja Brāhmans from whom the Bengal Brāhmansare said to have sprung [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW