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於 2015年8月20日 (四) 13:44 的最新修訂

ལེའུར་ཕྱེ་བ། (Wyl. le'ur phye ba ) Pron.: le'ur chewa

  • Skt. सर्गः, sarga, Pron.: sarga. From Sanskrit: fr. | letting go, discharging, voiding (as excrement) | starting (a race-horse), racing | a herd let loose from a stable, any troop or host or swarm or multitude | a draught of air, gust of wind | a stream, gush, rush, downpour (of any fluid | with | 'to cast or strike down' | a dart, shot | emission or creation of matter, primary creation (as •opp. to | as •opp. to its | 'dissolution', and | 'maintenance in existence' ; 9 different creations are enumerated in | 'from the creation or beginning of the world' | a created being, creature (with | begetting, procreation | origin | offspring, a child | nature, natural property, disposition, tendency | effort, exertion, resolution, resolve, will | a section, chapter, book, canto (•esp. in an epic poem) | assent, agreement | fainting | implement of war | the aspiration at the end of a word | N. of Śiva | of a son of Rudra [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW