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於 2015年8月20日 (四) 13:18 的最新修訂

འཛམ་བུ་གླིང། (Wyl. 'dzam bu gling) n. Pron.: dzambuling

  • Jambudvipa/Rose Apple Continent, South [Three Realms of Samsara] [Desire Realm] [Human Realm]
  • Skt. जम्बुद्वीपः, jambudvīpa, Pron.: jambudvipa. From Sanskrit: the central one of the 7 continents surrounding the mountain Meru (= India | named so either from the Jambu trees abounding in it, or from an enormous Jambu tree on Mount Meru visible like a standard to the whole continent [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW

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