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於 2015年8月20日 (四) 13:05 的最新修訂

བྱེ་བྲག (Wyl. bye brag ) Pron.: jedrak

  • སེལ་ངོར་རིགས་དང་ལྡན་པའི་གསལ་བ། [Definition] ▷KPH
  • Skt. भेदः, bheda, Pron.: bheda. From Sanskrit: p.766. [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW
  • Skt. वैमात्रम्, vaimātra, Pron.: vaimatra. From Sanskrit: fr. | descended from another mother (with | a step-brother | heterogeneous | a step-mother's son, half brother | or | a step-mother's daughter | gradation (?) | a •partic. high number [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW
  • Skt. विशेषः, viśeṣa, Pron.: vishesha. From Sanskrit: once in | distinction, difference between | two | two | or | and | characteristic difference, peculiar mark, special property, speciality, peculiarity | a kind, species, individual | a species of tree, in | often also = special, peculiar, particular, different | 'a particular metre' | 'a peculiar ornament' | various objects | distinction, peculiar merit, excellence, superiority | in | often = excellent, superior, choice, distinguished | 'an excellent form' | (in gram.) a word which defines or limits the meaning of another word | and | (in •phil.) particularity, individuality, essential difference or individual essence (with the Vaiśeshikas the 5th cate gory or Padārtha, belonging to the 9 eternal substances or Dravyas, viz. soul, time, place, ether, and the 5 atoms of earth, water, light, air, and mind, which are said to be so essentially different that one can never be the other) | (in medicine) a favourable turn or crisis of a sickness | in | statement of difference or distinction, individualization, variation | a sectarian mark, any mark on the forehead | (in •geom.) the hypotenuse | N. of the primary elements or Mahā-bhūtas | the earth as an element | the mundane egg [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW