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於 2015年8月20日 (四) 13:00 的最新修訂

བཏང་གཟུང། (Wyl. btang gzung ) Pron.: tang zung

  • Skt. मुचिलिन्दम्, mucilinda, Pron.: muchilinda. From Sanskrit: Pterospermum Suberifolium | N. of a Nāga (who sheltered the Buddha from a violent storm by coiling himself round him) | of the sacred tree protected by this Nāga (under which Buddha seated himself) | of a Cakra-vartin | of a mountain | also [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW
  • Skt. मुच्लिन्दः, muclindaḥ, Pron.: muchlindah [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP