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於 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:59 的最新修訂

ཕྱམ་པ། (Wyl. phyam pa ) Pron.: champa

  • Skt. कुतपम्, kutapa, Pron.: kutapa. From Sanskrit: slightly hot | a sort of blanket (made of the hair of the mountain goat) | the Kuśa grass (Poa cynosuroides) | the eighth Muhūrta or portion of the day from the last Daṇḍa of the second watch to the first of the third or about noon (an eligible time for the performance of sacrifices to the Manes) | grain | a daughter's son | a sister's son | a twice-born man (one of the first three classes) | a Brāhman | a guest | the sun | fire | an ox | a kind of musical instrument [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW