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於 2015年8月20日 (四) 12:49 的最新修訂

ཅི། (Wyl. ci ) Pron.: chi

  • Skt. किम्, kim, Pron.: kim. From Sanskrit: fr. 1. | originally | and | of 2. | what? how? whence? wherefore? why? | is much used as a particle of interrogation like the •Lat.: num: an | sometimes translatable by 'whether?' but oftener serving only like a note of interrogation to mark a question | 'do hunters roam about in this wood?' In an interrogation the verb, if uncompounded with a preposition, generally retains its accent after | . To this sense may be referred the | expressing inferiority, deficiency at the beginning of compounds | what sort of king? | a bad king | also the | prefixed to verbs with a similar meaning | he reads badly | or | or | whether-or-or | is very frequently connected with other particles, as follows: | wherefore then? | somewhat, to a considerable extent, rather, much more, still further | why? | what for? | or | how much more? how much less? | what a pity! (expressing dissatisfaction) | moreover, further | what more (expressing impatience) | originally | negative = | to a certain degree, a little | in no way, not at all | somewhat, a little | how then? but, however | but, however, nevertheless | bearing the same relation to | that | bears to | whether indeed? (a stronger interrogative than | alone | how much more? how much less? | how possibly? (a still stronger interrogative) | how much more? how much less? | however | but | whether? or whether? | or (often a mere particle of interrogation) | why? | a stronger interrogative than | alone [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW
  • Skt. किंनरः, kiṁnara, Pron.: kinnara. From Sanskrit: 'what sort of man?' a mythical being with a human figure and the head of a horse (or with a horse's body and the head of a man | originally perhaps a kind of monkey | in later times (like the Naras) reckoned among the Gandharvas or celestial choristers, and celebrated as musicians | also attached to the service of Kubera | N. of a prince | of Nara (a son of Vibhīshaṇa) | of the attendant of the fifteenth Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī | N. of a locality [Mahavyutpatti] [Sanskrit] MVP MW